The Allowance Project.
2020 was a year of unprecedented global challenges. If anything, the year of contrast brought about awareness of a desire for change. I began this year with the intention of taking advantage of this unique opportunity for growth. I wanted to help others to do the same, to find the confidence to take the actions needed to improve their lives. I set about to write a blog as an open exploration of how to welcome change into our lives with trust, accountability, patience and kindness.
In May of 2021, this journey into the process of change became deeply visceral. My eight year old daughter, Violet, was air lifted to BC Children’s Hospital after experiencing uncontrollable seizures. We were to find out days later that she had developed stage four high risk neuroblastoma - a progressive cancer often affecting children under the age of five. The diagnosis meant 18 months of some of the most intensive treatment available, catapulting our family into a surreal and seemingly insurmountable challenge.
Since the diagnosis, I have continued on this journey of discovery, investigating what it truly means to allow changes to happen in our lives and embrace them with as much grace and gratitude as possible. This blog is not only a way of communicating that journey, but a tool in order to develop a better understanding of how we can all find ways to let go of resistance, control, and ultimately develop our own ability to pivot.